Category Archives: Editorial

Obsessed or Possessed?

Let’s start with me, that would only be fair. When I get home from a long day, I have several things on my mind. Dinner – will I cook? Yeah, done. What is on the agenda for tomorrow? Oh, OK. Let me get out of these clothes, darned hose have tortured me all day. I should have worn more comfortable shoes, my feet are killing me. Oh, and this wool turtle-neck, wool always itches.

WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR TOMORROW!!!! I better have a peek into my closet to see what I can conjure up. Oh no, I forgot to put this stuff in the cleaners. What to do? What to do? I can’t wear that again, I wore that about 6 weeks ago. I’m tired of these boots, twice in one month? Too much rotation for these. What in the world happened to all of my sweaters? I used to have waaaaay more than this. Oh well, use what you’ve got. This might look good, this skirt with that blouse with these shoes – but maybe I should NOT carry that purse with those shoes. Wait, if I wear brown fish-nets instead of black. No, no black – black it is. That might be too over-the-top, I might get stares. Well, better than turning no heads at all. Is it really this complicated?? Why do I put myself through this?? I have got to take it easy – IT IS NOT THAT SERIOUS!!!!!!

Ok, start over. Oh look! I haven’t seen this in a while. I killed last time I wore this. Where is my uh… oh here it is. OOOOOh, that will look great great with that. Then add the pearl jewelry. What the heck, I just wear every pearl I own. I am feeling a bit timeless right about now. Yikes, almost forgot to change handbags. That would have been a disaster! I must carry the brown satchel, after all. It’s my best option with those shoes. Plus it’s roomy enough for extra hose and my laptop. OK, got it together. Quick shower, then I can get some sleep. Sleep deprevation is not good in your thirties. I wouldn’t want to start looking my age, now would I?

That was soothing, now I’ll throw on Anthony Hamilton so he can sing me into my sweet-dreams state. I forgot to look at my new Essence, Elle, Women’s Wear Daily and Vogue. I’ll just put them in my bag and take them with me. Goodnight.

6:15 in the morning, the alarm is blaring. I crawl out of bed after hitting snooze for the second time. Yuk, I didn’t get enough sleep, I feel horrible. I should just stay home. Well, let me get over here and brew my coffee. Strong and potent like my future husband.

Cool shower, yes – I need to wake up. That coffee smells sooooooo good. I’m so glad I picked out my clothes last night. The last thing I want to have to fight with is choosing something to wear today.

This coffee is perfect, I am on the right track. Showered & exfoliated, checked email, synced my phone, read the paper – enough me time. I’ve got to get going.

OH NO, I forgot about that meeting. I can’t wear fishnets to a business meeting! Layers of pearls, they will think I have lost my mind. Those shoes, am I nuts? What am I going to do now? Ok, ok, calm down. I could just put on the black pant-suit with that blouse, these black pumps, this jewelry and I will look just right. Where are those black pumps? I usually keep them with the rest of my pumps. What did I do with them?… oh yeah – still in my suitcase. Here they are, uh-oh they need to be shined. Thank goodness for whoever invented these shoe-mitt things. Whew!

Ok what coat? It’s a bit nippy out there, I may need an extra layer. No, not this coat – too casual. This one is much better… oh no, I forgot to sew this button back on. Next! The black one with the belt. Perfect. Not this scarf though, it’s too linty. That would look crack-ish. I’d better just throw this thing in the trash where it belongs.

One last peek in the mirror. Yes, this is do-able, but no awards for this ensemble. As long as I’m not a fashion don’t. Wait, the navy coat will look better – Quick change and I’m out the door. Let’s get this day started.

Arguably, this could be someone obsessed with clothes. Of course I’m not. Of Course I’m Not! OF COURSE I’M NOT!!! Am I?

Are you?

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